Sneak peek of our Eclectic Bags,

featuring rare Persian marquetry (khatamkari) patterns

with the perfect fall color schemes, such as gold,

brown, maroon, and a deep magenta

During my last trip to Esfahan, the artisan I work with

showed me his collection of khatam strips that he has

kept over the years. I was immediately drawn to these

rare patterns that I had never seen before, especially

one which was the very common pattern known as

"khorshidi" (sun), but in a beautiful deep pink color,

and another one similar to the "abri" (cloud) design,

but with terra cotta and lavender. We have recreated

these unique patterns and used them for our limited

series of khatam handbags which I will be sharing more

of in the coming weeks. Through the production of

these Eclectic Bags I hope to promote this intricate

Iranian craft and revive its cultural significance.